Obesity in pets: prevention and risks

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Obesity in pets is an increasingly common problem and we, as owners and caregivers, must be aware of this problem. The greatest attention should be on the quantity of food that we offer them daily, as well as on the quality. With this and many other actions we can prevent our animals from becoming overweight and other long-term health problems.

The most common risks include diabetes, cardiovascular disease, respiratory problems, joint problems, skin and coat problems , and a shorter life expectancy. In addition, obese animals can suffer a considerable increase in stress and anxiety, which can affect and have a negative impact on their quality of life.

To prevent and avoid obesity in pets, it is important to follow some basic recommendations, such as controlling the amount of food that is offered to them and making sure that they are receiving a balanced and healthy diet. For this, it is ideal to read the product labels and choose the most nutritious options. It is also recommended to limit snacks and offer healthy alternatives such as fresh fruits and vegetables instead, always making sure that they are safe for consumption.

Another way to deal with being overweight in pets is through regular exercise, since both dogs and cats require daily physical activity to stay in shape. At least 30 minutes of activity a day is recommended, be it walking the dog outside or playing with the cat at home. With a correct combination between a balanced diet and physical exercise, we can ensure that our pets enjoy a healthy weight and a happy and active life.

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