Yoga or Pilates: Which is better?

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If you are looking for a physical activity that helps you improve your health and general well-being, you may have come across yoga and pilates. Both disciplines are becoming more and more popular due to their many benefits, but do you know how they are similar and how they are different? In this article, we explain the similarities and differences so that you can choose the one that suits you best.

  • main similarities

Both disciplines are designed to improve strength, flexibility, posture, and balance. They also place a great emphasis on breathing, relaxation and mental focus, offering a wide variety of levels and styles to suit each person's needs, and can be really beneficial in reducing stress and anxiety.

  • differences

Yoga is a practice that is thousands of years old and has its roots in India. It combines meditation, breathing, and physical postures called asanas. These poses are done to strengthen and make the body more flexible, improve circulation, and reduce stress . In addition, it includes the practice of meditation and the recitation of mantras.

Pilates, on the other hand, was created by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It is a physical conditioning discipline that focuses on strengthening the core of the body (the area around the pelvis, abdomen, and back) through exercises that are performed with proper breathing and muscle control. It also helps improve posture, flexibility and balance.

  • Which is the best option?

Both disciplines offer remarkable benefits for physical and mental health. If you're looking for a practice that will help you improve your flexibility, focus and relaxation, yoga might be the best option for you, while you're aiming to strengthen your core and improve your posture, then Pilates might be a better fit.

If you want to practice either of the two options, many studios offer face-to-face and online classes. You can even do these activities at home with just a yoga mat and comfortable clothes.

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